Tuesday, January 11, 2005


I know it has been a while since my last post. So I'll recap Christmas, New Years, and the past week in as few sentences as possible. Here goes.

Went back to BC for Christmas and we opened gifts at midnight Christmas morning. I got an iRiver, two poker chip sets, gift cards, and Jon Stewart's America (The Book) - the book is hilarious, everyone should read it. I spent most of the day with the family which was nice since I hadn't seen most of them in a while. Then again, I think there is a reason I don't see some of them but every so often.

Well, moving on to New Years, I went to McFadden's in DC for the night. It was a good party, good music, good food, and most importantly lots of booze for a price. Did you really expect all that free? It was a pretty exhausting 3 day weekend of boozing. Going back to work that week wasn't the most exciting thing. Moving on to this past weekend...

This past weekend I had the luxury off moving into my new place. My lease isn't up yet (the 19th) but this was the only time I could move (on a weekend that is). Note to self, the night before moving, don't stay out all night and get trashed then get no sleep. That's right, I was hungover and tired all day which was lovely. With help from Tim and my sis, I was able to get most of the crap into my new room at Tim and Casey's house. And what better way to top a move day like a late night drinking. Yep, you guessed it, we went out for our buddy Jon's farewell. He wants to be a Navy Seal or something. So we all went to McFadden's and boozed it up. Nothing like a good drinking to take away my tiredness.

Well its the start of another week and I'm worn out from the past two weekends. I hope to get some sleep this coming weekend since I'll be going home to see the parents. The fam is going to see Alison Krauss + Union Station in Roanoke. It should be a good show.

Staring at a cold little hand
Reading fault lines
Of a shell of a man
You were waiting for a word from above
Wouldn't you know it
No answer ever did come

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